Qgiv Grows Quickly with Support from Vistage
Qgiv may be one of the biggest firms you’ve never heard of in the booming crowd-funding business – but that’s exactly how President Todd Baylis wants it to be.
“Donors don’t see us – they see our clients,” he says. “We supply the services that makes their fundraising successful -- from forms and payment processing to scheduling messages and engaging donors.”
That’s made Qgiv the fundraising platform of choice for organizations ranging from Junior Achievement and the SPCA to Boys and Girls Club and dozens of churches and some political campaigns. “We can work with any non-profit, functioning as their back office so it’s easy to raise the money they need.”
Baylis joined Vistage in 2010 after his father passed away. “My father ran his own CPA firm with my mom, who still runs it,” he said. “I felt like I needed another outlet to help me keep growing the business.”
Having a peer group and Chair helped him work through building a corporate culture and specific issues helped transform Qgiv from a hobby to a successful business. “My college roommate and I would build anything anybody paid us to do, so it was originally spawned as a political fundraiser, but we’ve moved away from that over the years,” Baylis said.
“Todd is the classical entrepreneur with a very strong technology background – a really smart dude who has been phenomenal in terms of managing growth,” said Richard Pellegrini, his Vistage chair. “He had the foresight to see the demand that was coming, and the growth strategy to take advantage of it.”
The importance of building relationships with customers has been another important part of Qgiv’s

success, Pellegrini adds.
“We created a transparent “thumbs-up-or-down” page for every customer interaction,” Baylis said. “We’re aiming for world-class customer experience and get it 98% of the time – but we’re also authentic enough that we don’t just post the pretty comments.”