What does it mean to be a great leader? This is a question that has been asked for centuries, and there is no one answer that fits everyone. However, there are some traits that are common among strong leaders, regardless of their gender.
In this article, we'll discuss the traits of successful women leaders, as told by the women themselves. We'll also provide tips on developing these qualities in yourself and becoming a more effective leader.
The first trait of successful women leaders is the ability to be decisive. In a fast-paced world, decisions need to be made quickly and efficiently. Leaders who can make decisions quickly and confidently are more likely to succeed than those who hesitate or second-guess themselves.
Reflecting on her leadership climb, Jennie Campbell, President & CEO, Stewart Steelwood Investments, LLC advises "Be a decisive decision-maker. Stick to it until somebody can convince you differently." She emphasizes the importance of being the solution-finder and much of that is based on being decisive.
Another important trait of successful women leaders is the ability to be resilient. This is the ability to recover quickly from setbacks and continue moving forward towards your goals. Resilience is key in any leadership role, as there will always be challenges and obstacles to overcome.
Shelley Zalis, CEO, The Female Quotient says "In order to achieve success, you have to be able to get back up when you're knocked down." Zalis knows firsthand the importance of resilience, as she has faced many challenges throughout her career.
Being clear about what you value and how it impacts your professional life helps shape the type of leader you'll be.
Holly Mazzocca, President, Bartlett Wealth Management has built a career on authenticity and living her values and helping future leaders do the same. She advises to "Align your values with your organization. It will sustain you. "
Successful leaders are also confident in their abilities. This confidence comes from knowing your strengths and weaknesses and being comfortable with both. It also comes from having a clear vision for what you want to achieve and believing that you can achieve it.
Kris Vockler, CEO & President, ICD High Performance Coatings has gained her confidence by letting experiences happen. When asked how she gained confidence, she selflessly advises to "Just go and forget it. Like a sword. You literally just bang metal all day, every day, until it forms. You can read a job description, but it’s not going to help you one bit.”
In order to be a successful leader, it is important to develop these traits in yourself. However, it is also important to remember that everyone has their own unique leadership style. The most important thing is to be authentic to yourself and find what works best for you.
Looking for some more leadership advice? Check out our list of The 16 best executive coaching books to get started.