Vistage Speakers | Resource Center for Business Leaders & CEOs

Chuck Reaves: CSO, The Missing Piece in the C-Suite

Written by Chuck Reaves | Feb 12, 2018 8:03:00 PM

The emerging position of the Chief Sales Officer, CSO, is one that many organizations are embracing. However, many more organizations need to include this important role in planning and executing their sales strategies. Changing the title of the current vice president or sales manager to CSO will not bring the desired results. The CSO function is a strategic one and transcends the day-to-day, monthly and quarterly activities.  

In this video, Chuck Reaves gives an overview of the role of the CSO, where it fits in the organization and how it differs from other sales leadership positions. Just as many small-to-medium businesses do not have a full-time Chief Financial Officer or Chief Operating Officer, they still have those functions. The CEO, then, usually assumes the responsibility for strategic planning for finance and operations. Now, here is yet another hat the CEO will need to wear.




Who is Chuck Reaves?

Chuck Reaves is the former president of a $30 Million bakery company. Chuck has authored twelve books and numerous articles, as well as curricula for teaching programs including Chief Sales Officer, Supply Chain Selling, Kaizen for Sales, and Real Sales Automation. He has made more than 5000 presentations to audiences world-wide. Chuck has been selected as the Vistage Impact Speaker of the Year. He is a decorated Vietnam veteran. His many other awards include Veteran’s Advocate of the Year and Outstanding Georgia Citizen. (Chuck has been invited to the White House twice, and he has been interviewed by numerous media outlets.)

Chuck helps companies learn how to raise their prices and sales volumes, simultaneously. He works with companies, both large and small, to help them increase selling effectiveness through updated sales technologies and processes. He is a pioneer in implementing cutting-edge systems such as Kaizen for Sales, advanced Supply Chain Selling methodologies, the innovative Chief Sales Officer (CSO) range of advanced leadership contributions, and other progressive concepts for increasing sales. Chuck provides an overview of the role of the CSO, explaining why CSO is a role that many organizations are now creating to effect more concentrated energies and expertise in planning and execution of sales strategies. Chuck sheds light on the critical distinctions between roles of Sales VP, Sales Manager and CSO, in order to achieve desired strategic results from having a CSO.


You can check out Chuck's website here!